بایگانی‌های ماهانه: نوامبر 2016

Trump said what they wanted to say but they could not

متن فرانسه مقاله منتشر شده در مجله تلوس

Donald Trump, one of the GOP candidates for the upcoming presidential elections in the United Stated of America has received much attention due to his statements and his lead in the polls. Things have arrived to a point where not only Trump’s opponent candidates but also his republican fellows are fed up with him. From intellectuals to the Sheikhs of the Persian Gulf states, everybody is complaining

Trump is not the representative figure of the fascist interpretations in today’s politics but the clear expression of them. In this respect he is worthy to be praised. He puts aside the political figures’ both verbal and corporal perpetual secrecies and pretenses and reveals and utters what indeed comes to his and the common politics’ mind. While from France to Germany, on the plea of the foolishness of its currently most important jobbers’ –Muslim terrorists–, the West is contemplating othering policies and restrictive laws in the form of various programs and procedures, Trump removes the distance between action and the expression of The dominant –a product of modern politics– and evokes Kings in the medieval era: where the king would publicly issue the decapitation decree

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